首页系统综合问题in favor of在法律文件中的使用及译法

in favor of在法律文件中的使用及译法

时间2023-03-30 02:02:40发布分享专员分类系统综合问题浏览176

今天小编给各位分享infavorof的知识,文中也会对其通过in favor of在法律文件中的使用及译法和in favor of是什么意思?怎么用等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮助,别忘了关注本站,现在进入正文!


  • in favor of在法律文件中的使用及译法
  • in favor of是什么意思?怎么用
  • 合同中 in favor of 什么意思
  • in favor of什么意思
  • 一、in favor of在法律文件中的使用及译法




    In the event of a conflict between the interests of its stockholders on one hand and the Limited Partners on the other, the General Partner shall endeavor in good faith to resolve the conflict in a manner not adverse to either its stockholders or the Limited Partners; provided, however, that for so long as the General Partner directly owns a controlling interest in the Partnership, any such conflict that the General Partner, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines cannot be resolved in a manner not adverse to either its stockholders or the Limited Partner shall be resolved in favor of the stockholders.



    The Partnership may lend or contribute to its Subsidiaries or other Persons in which it has an equity investment, and such Persons may borrow funds from the Partnership, on terms and conditions established in the sole and absolute discretion of the General Partner. The foregoing authority shall not create any right or benefit in favor of any Subsidiary or any other Person.


    一、in favor of是什么意思?怎么用

    一in favor of 赞成(支持,有利于,较大) 例句与用法: 1. Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax. 市民的情绪是赞成减税。 2. Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament. 公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军。 3. Are you in favor of his opinion? 你会赞成他的意见吗? 4. In their discussion, I was in favor of Mr. Li. 在他们的争论中, 我支持李先生。 二.in one's favor 个人的好意\喜爱 三abdicate the throne in one's favor 是自愿舍弃王位的意思 abdicate the throne in favor of worthy 是舍弃王位给应得的人的意思 希望对你有帮助!!

    二、合同中 in favor of 什么意思

    in favor of 支持,赞同,有利于,以...为受款人等意思外还有ask for help的意思。
    第一种I am in favor of +N.的结构
    其中的N.不仅仅指名词 (I am in favor of football.)还有代词和动名词
    你的第二种中I am in favor of it that…… it是代词 后面的that是从句 跟你要用的结构没有太大的关系(可以看下语法书上的从句篇)
    你的第三种中I am in favor of carrying on space research. carrying是动名词 是动词carry做了词形上的变化具有了名词的作用

    三、in favor of什么意思

    in favor of
    [英][in ˈfeivə ɔv][美][ɪn ˈfevɚ ʌv]
    赞成[支持](某人或某事物); 以…取代; (支票)以某人[某部门]为受款人;



    No one testified in favor of the legislation.

    A county court initially ruled in favor of the farmers but awardedthem minimal damages.

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