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北京时间6日19时,瑞典文学院宣布,将2022年诺贝尔文学奖授予法国女作家安妮·埃尔诺,“因为她勇敢、冷静而敏锐地揭开了个人记忆的根源、疏远和来自集体的束缚”memory dmp

The Nobel prize in literature has been awarded to Annie Ernaux “for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory.”

诺贝尔文学奖委员会主席安德斯·奥尔森 (Anders Olsson) 表示,在她的作品中,“埃尔诺始 终如一地从不同角度审视生活中由性别、语言和阶级带来的巨大差异”memory dmp

Anders Olsson, chair of the Nobel committee, said that in her work, “Ernaux consistently and from different angles, examines a life marked by strong disparities regarding gender, language and class .”

埃尔诺自创了“无人称自传”的新型写作方式, 她的自传从头到尾都不用人称“我”,而是采用第三人称、也就是无人称的泛指代词来表示“我们”,其内容也正是这些年文学奖偏好的“个人和集体记忆”memory dmp 。当一位作家将自己的经历和一代民族记忆结合起来,将大大增加获得诺贝尔文学奖的几率。

奥尔森认为,埃尔诺“显然相信写作的解放力量”memory dmp 。 “她的作品毫不妥协,用简单的语言写成,干净利落。”他 继续说道,“当她以极大的勇气和敏锐的洞察力描述羞耻、屈辱、嫉妒或无法真正了解自己的那种感觉时,她取得了令人钦佩和持久的成就。”

Olson said Ernaux “manifestly believes in the liberating force of writing .”

“Her work is uncompromising and written in plain language, scraped clean,” he continued. “And when she with great courage and clinical acuity reveals the agony of the experience of class, describing shame, humiliation, jealousy or inability to see who you are, she has achieved something admirable and enduring.”

1996年,作家琳达·巴雷特·奥斯本写道:“安妮· 埃尔诺的作品可以像一些 现代艺术作品一样激发观众相同的反应memory dmp 。有人认为,因为它在构图上显得简单或直接,所以构思起来很简单,任何人都可以创造出相同的形式和印象。相反,在 埃尔诺的最佳状态下,她有能力精炼普通的经验,剥离无关紧要和离题的部分,并将其精简为一幅描述20世纪后期灵魂的图解。”

In 1996, author Linda Barrett Osborne wrote, “Annie Ernaux’s work can evoke the same response that some modern art does in viewers: a tendency to think that, because it appears simple or direct in composition, it was simple to conceive, that anyone could create the same forms and impressions. Instead, at her best, Ernaux has the ability to refine ordinary experience, stripping it of irrelevancy and digression and reducing it to a kind of iconography of the late-20th-century soul.”

出版商泰斯塔德说,随着岁月的流逝,埃尔诺“发明了一种文学新形式,它是小说、自传和非小说的交集”memory dmp

埃尔诺出生于 1940 年,在诺曼底的伊维托特小镇长大memory dmp 。她就读于鲁昂大学,后来在中学任教。

Ernaux was born in 1940 and grew up in the small town of Yvetot in Normandy. She studied at Rouen University, and later taught at secondary school.

她是迄今为止第 16 位获得诺贝尔奖的法国作家memory dmp 。据美联社报道,埃尔诺对瑞典SVT电视台表示,获得诺贝尔奖是一种“巨大的荣誉”和“非常重大的责任”。

Ernaux becomes the 16th French writer to have won the Nobel to date. Ernauxtold Sweden’s SVT television that winning the Nobel Prize was a “a great honor” and “a very great responsibility,” according to the Associated Press.

诺贝尔文学奖奖金为 1000 万瑞典克朗(大约80万英镑)memory dmp 。用诺贝尔奖创立者阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔的话来说,该奖项授予“在文学领域理想的方向创作出最杰出作品的人”。

The Nobel prize in literature is worth 10m Swedish krona (about £800,000), and goes to the writer deemed to be, in the words of Alfred Nobel’s will, “the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction”.

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