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  • 近两年高考英语全国卷陌生词汇集锦189个(新增)可打印
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  • 一、近两年高考英语全国卷陌生词汇集锦189个(新增)可打印



    1.be in possession of… 占有某物2.valid adj. 有效的;有根据的;合法的;正当的adj. validated 经过验证的 validating 确认的;有效的adv. validly 合法地;正当地;妥当地n. validation 确认;批准;生效 validness 有效;正确3. as scheduled 如期;按照预定时间4. guarantee n. 保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品 vt. 保证;担保adj. guaranteed 有保证的,;有人担保的5. be located at… 位于6. mobility n. 移动性;机动性;[电子] 迁移率 adj. mobile 机动的;易变的,;非固定的7. familiarity n. 熟悉,精通;亲密;随便8. suspicion n. 怀疑;嫌疑;疑心;一点儿vt. 怀疑9. transformative adj. 变化的,变形的;有改革能力的10. annually adv. 每年;一年一次11. intoxicating adj. 令人陶醉的12. ramble v. (在乡间)漫步,闲逛;漫谈,闲聊;(植物)蔓生n. (在乡间的)漫步,闲逛;(杂乱无章的)长篇大论13. checkup n. 审查,检查;健康检查14. conservative adj. 保守的 n. 保守派,守旧者15. sensor n. 传感器16. faint adj. 模糊的;头晕的;虚弱的;[医] 衰弱的vi. 昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力n. [中医] 昏厥,昏倒17. spray n. 喷雾,喷雾剂;喷雾器;水沫;(用作装饰的)小树枝,小花枝 vt. 喷18.transmission n. 传动装置,[机] 变速器;传递;传送;播送19. empowered adj. 获得授权的,被赋予权力的 v. 授权,授与权力;增加自主权,使控制局势20. compassionate adj. 慈悲的;富于同情心的 vt. 同情;怜悯 n. compassion 同情;怜悯21. imperfection n. 不完美;瑕疵;缺点22. metaphorical adj. 比喻性的,隐喻性的23. temporarily adv. 临时地,临时24. win out 赢出最后;获得成功胜利;胜出25. stand out 突出;站出来;坚持到底;坚决反对26. by comparison with 与...相比,同...比较起来27. bottom line 结果;概要;账本底线;关键28. top secret adj. 最高机密的,绝密的29. spacecraft n. [航] 宇宙飞船,航天器30. probe n. 探针;调查 vi. 调查;探测 vt. 探查;用探针探测31. crater n. 火山口;弹坑 vt. 在…上形成坑;取消;毁坏 vi. 形成坑;消亡


    32. interactive adj. 交互式的;相互作用的33. spatial adj. 空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的34. cognition n. 认识;知识;认识能力35. rotate vi. 旋转;循环 vt. 使旋转;使转动;使轮流 adj. [植] 辐状的36. showcase n. 展示(本领、才华或优良品质)的场合;(商店或博物馆等的)玻璃柜台,玻璃陈列柜v. 展现,表现37. wetland n. 湿地;沼泽地38. collapsed adj. 倒塌的;暴跌的;收缩的;倾陷了的v. 倒塌;崩溃(collapse的过去分词);价格暴跌39. massive adj. 大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的40.stable adj. 稳定的,牢固的;稳重的,沉稳的;持久的;(化学术语)稳定的n. 马厩;养马场;(属同一马主或驯马师的)一群赛马;(同一地方工作的)一批人,(同一公司生产的)系列产品;(提供相同训练的)组织,机构v. 赶入马房,把(马)拴在马厩;(被)关在马厩41.shelve vt. 将(书等)放置在架子上;搁置,将某事放到一旁不予考虑;将…搁在一边;装搁架于;罢免vi. (陆地)逐渐倾斜

    42.wonderment n. 惊奇;惊叹

    43.haven n. 保护区,避难所;港口 v. 为……提供避难所44.piracy n. 海盗行为;剽窃;著作权侵害;非法翻印45.inseparable adj. 不可分的;不愿分开的;(前缀)不可单独成词的;(德语动词)屈折变化时前缀和词根不可分的 n. 不能分开的人(或事物46.curve n. 曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表 vt. 弯;使弯曲 vi. 成曲形 adj. 弯曲的;曲线形的47. tone n. 语气;色调;音调;音色 vt. 增强;用某种调子说 vi. 颜色调和;呈现悦目色调48.auctio n. 拍卖;(桥牌)叫牌阶段 v. 拍卖,竞卖49.bidder n. 投标人;出价人;命令者


    50.scent n. 气味;嗅觉;痕迹;察觉能力vt. 闻到;发觉;使充满…的气味;循着遗臭追踪vi. 发出…的气味;有…的迹象;嗅着气味追赶51.monument n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品 vt. 为…树碑52.highlight v. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮;着亮彩于(头发) n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;强光部分53.exceptional adj. 异常的,例外的 n. 超常的学生54.activist n. 积极分子;激进主义分子55. ape n. [脊椎] 猿;猩猩;类人猿 v. 模仿;仿效56.digitalize vt. 数字化;数位化57.graphics n. (商业设计或插图中的)图形;图样,图案制图学;制图法;图表算法;(计算机程序中)图表58.image n. 影像;想象;肖像;偶像 vt. 想象;反映;象征;作…的像59.monitor n. 监视器;监听器;监控器;显示屏;班长 vt. 监控60.isolation n. 隔离;孤立;[电] 绝缘;[化学] 离析61.multigenerational adj. 几代人的62.standpoint n. 立场;观点63.gene n. [遗] 基因,遗传因子64.mutation n. 突变;变化;元音变化65.evolved v. (使)逐渐形成;(有机体或生物特征)进化;释放(气体或热量)(evolve 的过去式及过去分词)adj. 进化了的66.stilts n. 高跷;支柱,支撑物 vt. 使踏上高跷67.curtain n. 幕;窗帘 vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘 be ˈcurtains (for sb) 绝望的处境;无法摆脱的困境;完蛋68.unpack v. 打开包裹;分析;卸下……;解除……的负担69.havoc n. 大破坏;浩劫;蹂躏 vt. 严重破坏 vi. 损毁

    70.cope with(应对)

    71. ego n. 自我;自负;自我意识72.displeased with 对…...生气73.behind the scene 幕后;幕后花絮;未开拓市场74.above the law 凌驾于法律之上的75.lifelike adj. 栩栩如生的;逼真的76.portrait n. 肖像;描写;半身雕塑像77.legendary adj. 传说的,传奇的78.humbled adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的vt. 使谦恭;轻松打败(尤指强大的对手);低声下气


    79.honorable adj. 光荣的;可敬的;高贵的(honourable的美式写法)80.disqualification n. 不合格;取消资格;被罚下场 adj.disqualified 不合格的;被取消资格的v. disqualified 使 不合格;取消…的资格(disqualify的过去分词)vt. disqualify 取消…的资格81.willpower n. 意志力;毅力82.first-generation adj. 出生在美国的;原件第一代83.funeral n. 葬礼;麻烦事 adj. 丧葬的,出殡的84.reportage n. 报告文学,报道文学;报道,新闻报道85.appetite n. 食欲;嗜好86.undergraduate n. 大学本科生;大学肄业生 adj. 大学本科生的;大学肄业生的87.ostensibly adv. 表面上;外表88.viewership n. (电视节目的)观众;收视率89.stand up to 经得起;抵抗;勇敢地面对90.anticipate v. 预料,预期;预见,预计(并做准备);期盼,期望;先于……做,早于……行动;在期限内履行(义务),偿还(债务);提前使用91. restlessly adv. 不安地;慌张地92.sapling n. 树苗;年轻人93.drip v. 滴下,使滴下;(液体)滴下,漏下;充满;溢出,发出n. 水滴;滴水声;滴注器,静脉滴注;滴水槽;(非正式)窝囊废,平庸乏味者,使人厌烦的人94.cool down 冷却;平静下来95. keep off 让开;不接近96.purify vt. 净化;使纯净97.simulation n. 仿真;模拟;模仿;假装98.thoughtful adj. 深思的;体贴的;关切的


    99.playgoer n. 戏迷;爱看戏的人100. playwright n. 剧作家101.get across 通过;使...被理解102.drama n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术;剧本;戏剧性事件103.versatility n. 多功能性;多才多艺;用途广泛104.picture n. 照片,图画;影片;景色;化身 vt. 画;想像;描写105.dim adj. 暗淡的,昏暗的;模糊的,看不清的;悲观的,怀疑的vt. 使暗淡,使失去光泽;使变模糊 vi. 变模糊,变暗淡 n. 笨蛋,傻子106.in a row 连续;成一长行107.intersection n. 交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点108.adaptive adj. 适应的,适合的109.managerial adj. [管理] 管理的;经理的110.stimulate adj. 刺激的;有刺激性的 v. 刺激;激励;促进111.cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的112.multitasking n. 多重任务处理;多重任务执行113.coordinate v. 调节,配合;使动作协调;(衣服、家具等)搭配;与……形成共价键adj. 同等的,并列的;配位的;坐标的 n. 坐标;配套服装;同等的人或物114.motorway n. 高速公路,汽车高速公路115.tractor n. 拖拉机;牵引机116.handbrake n. 手煞车;手闸117.miraculously adv. 奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地118.hold back 隐瞒;退缩;抑制;阻止119.get out 离开,出去;泄露;出版120.irrigate vt. 灌溉;冲洗;使清新121.machinery n. 机械;机器;机构;机械装置122.sniff vi. 嗅;嗤之以鼻 vt. 嗅;闻;用力吸;发觉n. 吸,闻;嗤之以鼻;气味;以鼻吸气;吸气声123.shotgun n. 霰弹猎枪;猎枪,火枪;滑膛枪;散弹猎枪;副驾驶位 adj. 猎枪的;被迫的124.bear off 赢得;驶离125.encounter v. 遭遇;邂逅;遇到 n. 遭遇;偶然碰见125.roar n. 咆哮;吼;轰鸣 vi. 咆哮;吼叫;喧闹 vt. 咆哮;呼喊;使……轰鸣


    1.deadline n. 最终期限;(监狱范围的)死线2.eligible adj. 合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的n. 合格者;适任者;有资格者3.stumble vi. 踌躇,蹒跚;失足;犯错 vt. 使…困惑;使…绊倒 n. 绊倒;蹒跚而行4.boast vt. 夸口说,自吹自擂说;以有…而自豪n. 自夸;值得夸耀的事物,引以为荣的事物vi. 自吹自擂5.biometric adj. 生物统计的;生物特征识别的6.cadence n. 节奏;韵律;抑扬顿挫;终止式vt. 使有节奏7.commercialize vt. 使商业化;使商品化8.interpersonal adj. 人际的;人与人之间的9.dishonorable adj. 不名誉的;无耻的10.engage vt. 吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;攻击,与……开战;使啮合vi. 从事;参与;答应,保证11.openness n. 公开;宽阔;率真12.likability n.可爱13.sunscreen n. (防晒油中的)遮光剂;防晒霜14.glacier n. [地理][水文] 冰川;[地理][水文] 冰河15.fade away 逐渐消失16.congregating vt. 聚集 vi. 聚集 adj. 集合在一起的17.subpopulation n.(从其他人口分出或构成总人口的)分组人口









    1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday
    6. Saturday 7. Sunday
    1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May
    6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October
    11. November 12. December
    1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter

    1. eighth第八
    2. ninth第九
    3. forty四十
    4. twelfth第十二
    5. twentieth第二十

    1. daughter (女儿)
    2. niece (女性晚辈)
    3. nephew (男性晚辈)
    4. cousin (同辈兄弟姐妹)
    5. aunt (女性长辈)
    6. uncle (男性长辈)

    1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔
    2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制
    3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认
    4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现
    5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿
    6. refer (referred, referring) 提到
    7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记
    8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许
    9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备
    注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)

    1. broadcast (broadcast, broadcast) 广播
    2. flee (fled, fled) 逃跑
    3. forbid (forbade, forbidden) 禁止
    4. forgive (forgave, forgiven) 原谅
    5. freeze (froze, frozen) 结冰
    6. hang (作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung)
    7. lie (作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain)
    8. seek (sought, sought) 寻求
    9. shake (shook, shaken) 发抖
    10. sing (sang, sung) 唱歌
    11. sink (sank, sunk/sunken) 下沉
    12. spread (spread, spread) 传播
    13. swim (swam, swum) 游泳
    14. tear (tore, torn) 撕碎
    15. weave (wove, woven) 编织


    1. check / examine/ test
    2. receive / accept
    3. destroy /damage
    4. celebrate/ congratulate
    5. wear / dress

    1. long—length 长度
    2. wide—width 宽度
    3. high—height 高度
    4. strong—strength力量
    1. picnic (picnicked, picnicking) 野餐

    1. German (Germans) 德国人
    2. gulf (gulfs) 海湾
    3. handkerchief (handkerchiefs) 手帕
    4. hero (英雄),potato (土豆),tomato (西红柿) 等有生命的以-o结尾的名词变复数时要加-es。
    5. roof (roofs) 房顶
    6. stomach 胃 (其复数是stomachs而不是加es)

    1. succeed—success成功
    2. pronounce—pronunciation 发音
    3. explain—explanation解释
    4. decide—decision 决定
    5. enter—entrance进入
    6. permit—permission 允许
    7. refuse—refusal 拒绝
    8. consider—consideration 考虑
    9. discover—discovery 发现
    10. bury—burial 埋葬
    11. conclude—conclusion 得出结论
    12. arrive—arrival 到达
    13. weigh—weight 重量

    1. beautiful—beautifully 美丽的
    2. possible—possibly 可能的
    3. practical—practically 实际的
    4. particular—particularly 特别的
    5. successful—successfully 成功的

    1. abroad 国外
    2. absence n. 缺席 (absent adj.)
    3. accepted (NMET1997)
    4. accident事故 (accidental adj. 偶然的,accidentally adv. 偶然地)
    5. achievement成就 (achieve v. 获得)
    6. address地址
    7. admire钦佩
    8. admitting (2000北京春季卷)
    9. agreement 协议
    10. agriculture农业 (agricultural adj. 农业的)
    11. altogether总共
    12. ancient 古代的
    13. announced(NMET1999)
    14. anxiety 忧虑 (anxious adj. 焦急的,anxiously adv. 焦急地)
    15. apologize v. 道歉 (apology n. 道歉apologetic adj. 道歉的,apologetically adv.道歉地)
    16. apologize/apologise (2000全国卷)
    17. appreciate感激/欣赏 (感激人用thank sb;谢谢某人做的事用appreciate sth.)
    18. Asian(NMET1996)
    19. assistant 助手
    20. astonish吃惊 (astonishment n. 吃惊,astonishing,astonished)
    21. astronaut 宇航员
    22. atmosphere气氛
    23. attempt尝试 (可作名词也可作动词)
    24. attentively 专心地
    25. attentively(NMET1996)
    26. attitude 态度
    27. attract 吸引 (attraction吸引力)
    28. average 平均
    29. average(NMET1999)
    30. balance平衡
    31. beauty 美 (beautiful)
    32. believe相信 (belief n. 信念,其复数是beliefs)
    33. beyond超过
    34. biology生物
    35. birthday生日
    36. bravery 勇敢
    37. broadcast(NMET1996)
    38. broadcast广播 (过去式、过去分词同原形)
    39. carefully 小心 (carefully)
    40. ceiling天花板
    41. celebrated (2000北京春季卷)
    42. celebration 庆祝 (celebrate n. 庆祝)
    43. century 世纪
    44. challenge 挑战
    45. character 性格
    46. charge收费
    47. cinema电影院
    48. comfort v. & n. 安慰 (comfortable adj. comfortably adv.舒适地)
    49. comfortably(NMET1997)
    50. comment 评论
    51. communication 交流
    52. competition 竞赛 (compete v. 竞赛competitor 竞赛者)
    53. composition 作文
    54. concert 音乐会
    55. conclude v. conclusion n. 结论
    56. condition情况 (conditions条件)
    57. confessing (2000北京春季卷)
    58. congratulations 祝贺 (congratulate v.)
    59. constantly 不断地
    60. construction(NMET1996)
    61. continue继续
    62. contribution 贡献 (contribute v.)
    63. conveniently方便 (convenient adj.)
    64. conversation 谈话
    65. coughing(NMET1997)
    66. cousin表兄弟
    67. cruelty 残酷 (cruel adj. cruelly adv.)
    68. curious 好奇 (curiosity n. 好奇)
    69. curious(NMET1996)
    70. customer 顾客
    71. customers (2000北京春季卷)
    72. custom习俗
    73. damage损坏
    74. declared(NMET1999)
    75. delicious 美味
    76. destroy毁灭 (其过去式是destroyed)
    77. determined 有决心的
    78. develop发展 (development n. developing 发展中的,developed发达的)
    79. dialogue 对话
    80. diary 日记 (dairy 奶制品)
    81. difference 不同点 (有复数形式)
    82. disappointed失望 (disappointing 让人失望的)
    83. disappointment 失望
    84. discovery 发现 (其复数是discoveries,其动词是discover,discoverer发现者)
    85. disturb打扰
    86. dollar美元 (其复数是dollars)
    87. downstairs楼下
    88. dream梦想 (其过去式是dreamed或dreamt)
    89. electricity电 (electrical电的,electric 电的)
    90. employ 雇用 (employment n. employer 雇主,employee雇员)
    91. empty倒空 (可用动词,其过去式是emptied)
    92. encourage鼓励 (encouraging, encouraged, encouragement n.)
    93. energy能量
    94. envelope 信封
    95. envy n. 妒忌 (envious adj.)
    96. equal(NMET1998)
    97. equipment设备
    98. especially 尤其是
    99. essential(NMET1999)
    100. European 欧洲人
    101. event事件
    102. excellent极好 (excellence n. excellently adv.)
    103. exhibition(NMET1997)
    104. exhibition展览
    105. expense 耗费
    106. experience 经验 (experienced 有经验的)
    107. expert 专家
    108. expression 表达
    109. failure 失败 (fail v.)
    110. familiar(NMET1999)
    111. familiar熟悉的
    112. favorite 最喜爱的 (即作形容词也作名词,作名词时有复数)
    113. figure人物/数字
    114. finger手指
    115. flight飞行
    116. forehead前额
    117. foreign(NMET1998)
    118. fortunately幸运地
    119. forward向前
    120. freezing 极冷的 (frozen 冷冻的)
    121. frequently 经常地
    122. furniture 家具
    123. further进一步的
    124. generally (2000全国卷)
    125. geography地理
    126. Germany德国
    127. government(NMET1996)
    128. gradually逐渐地
    129. graduation毕业 (graduate)
    130. grammar语法
    131. habits (NMET1997)
    132. handkerchiefs (2000北京春季卷)
    133. honesty 诚实 (honest)
    134. honor/honour 荣誉
    135. imagination 想象力 (imagine v.)
    136. immediate (2000北京春季卷)
    137. immediately马上
    138. impress 印象 (impression n.)
    139. incident小事件
    140. including包括 (include v.)
    141. indispensable (NMET1999)
    142. industry工业 (industrial adj. 工业的)
    143. information 信息
    144. inspire激励 (inspiration n. inspiring, inspired)
    145. institute学院
    146. instrument 仪器
    147. interest 兴趣
    148. interrupt 打断
    149. interrupt打断
    150. introduce介绍 (introduction n.)
    151. irregular 不规则的
    152. journey旅程
    153. judge判断 (judgment)
    154. kindergarten幼儿园
    155. knowledge 知识
    156. labor/labour劳动
    157. late1y(NMET1999)
    158. laughter笑声
    159. lawyer律师
    160. librarian图书馆理员
    161. loss损失 (lose, lost 是其动词形式)
    162. luckily幸运地
    163. magazine杂志
    164. majority (2000北京春季卷)
    165. majority大多数
    166. manage 设法 (manager, management)
    167. market(2000全国卷)
    168. marriage 结婚 (marry v. 结婚,married已婚的)
    169. material(s)/cloth(NMET1996)
    170. material物质/材料
    171. mayor市长
    172. mean (NMET1999)
    173. measure测量
    174. medal 奖章 (比较:model 模型)
    175. memory记忆力 (memorize v. 记住,remember 记得)
    176. messages (2000全国卷)
    177. metal 金属
    178. modern现代的
    179. modest谦虚的
    180. monitor 班长/监控
    181. moustache 胡子
    182. murder谋杀 (murderer 凶手)
    183. musician 音乐家
    184. mysterious 神秘的 (mystery 神秘)
    185. nationality国籍 (nation 国家,national国家的)
    186. naturally(NMET1998)
    187. naughty 淘气的
    188. necessary(NMET1999)
    189. ninth(NMET1998)
    190. normal 正常的
    191. obey (NMET1997)
    192. obviously明显的
    193. offering (2000全国卷)
    194. operation手术
    195. opportunity 机会
    196. ordinary 普通的
    197. organized/organised(NMET1996)
    198. particularly 特别是
    199. passenger 旅客
    200. passengers(NMET1999)
    201. patience耐心 (patiently)
    202. patient病人/耐心
    203. perfect 完美 (perfectly)
    204. performed(2000北京春季卷)
    205. perhaps 或许
    206. period 时期
    207. permission许可
    208. persuaded(NMET1996)
    209. phenomena 现象
    210. physicist 物理学家
    211. pilots (2000全国卷)
    212. poisonous 有毒的 (poison)
    213. political 政治的 (politics)
    214. popular受欢迎的
    215. population人口
    216. position 职位
    217. possibility(-ies)可能性 (possible 可能的)
    218. poverty 贫穷 (poor)
    219. poverty贫穷
    220. practical (NMET1997)
    221. preparing(NMET1998)
    222. pressure(NMET1997)
    223. pretend假装
    224. professor 教授
    225. profit 利润
    226. progress进步
    227. pronunciation (2000北京春季卷)
    228. provide 提供 (比较:offer, supply)
    229. public 公众
    230. purpose目的
    231. quality(NMET1996)
    232. quantity数量
    233. realistic(NMET1997)
    234. receive 收到
    235. recently(NMET1999)
    236. recognised/recognized(NMET1999)
    237. recognize 认出 (recognition 承认)
    238. regards 问候
    239. remind提醒
    240. repeat (repetition)重复
    241. respect尊敬
    242. restaurant 餐馆
    243. restaurants(NMET1999)
    244. satisfaction满意 (satisfy, satisfied, satisfying)
    245. satisfactory 满意的
    246. Saturday(NMET1998)
    247. scientific 科学的
    248. scientific科学的
    249. secretary秘书
    250. secretly (2000北京春季卷)
    251. separately单独地
    252. separates (NMET1998)
    253. serious 严重的 (seriously)
    254. service服务
    255. shortcoming缺点
    256. silence 安静 (silent)
    257. similar (2000北京春季卷)
    258. similar 类似的 (similarity –ies相似之处)
    259. situation形势/情况
    260. slightly(2000全国卷)
    261. society 社会 (social adj. 社会的)
    262. southern(2000全国卷)
    263. special特别的
    264. species 物种 (单复数同形)
    265. spring(NMET1997)
    266. square 平方
    267. stolen(2000全国卷)
    268. straight(NMET1997)
    269. suitable合适的
    270. support支持
    271. surprise吃惊
    272. surround 包围
    273. swimming(NMET1998)
    274. technique 技术 (technical adj.)
    275. technology技术
    276. temperature温度
    277. theory 理论
    278. thirsty口渴
    279. thorough (NMET1997)
    280. total合计
    281. traffic 交通
    282. translated(NMET1998)
    283. translation 翻译 (translator翻译家,interpret 解说, interpreter 口语翻译)
    284. umbrella(NMET1999)
    285. umbrella伞
    286. unusually不寻常 (unusual不寻常的)
    287. unwilling 不愿意 (willing adj. 愿意 will n. 意志)
    288. upstairs(2000全国卷)
    289. upstairs楼上
    290. vacation假期
    291. various各种各样的 (variety n. 种类)
    292. victim受害者
    293. victory胜利
    294. vocabulary词汇
    295. voyage航行
    296. waste (NMET1999)
    297. wealth财富
    298. weather(NMET1998)
    299. whisper 低语
    300. worship崇拜
    301. youth年轻人 (复数加-s)
    302. zero 零


    老师叮咛: 李辉老师说,想要提高阅读理解,词汇量是关键!下面的200个句子涵盖了整个高中的3500词。一方面可以帮助大家摆脱原来枯燥无味的背诵方式,另一方面可以帮助大家在语境中更精确的理解单词的意思!经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、背诵!

    1 We should always bear in mind that if we are ignorant of our health for promotion(促销,提升), disease will gradually approach (vt.接近,靠近,处理n.方法,途径) us with the help of tiredness.

    2. I looked for the history book because I wanted to find out when America was founded, and at last I found the dusty book in a dim room.

    3. There are so many reference(v.refer提及、参考、涉及) books on this romantic poet for me to choose from that I can’t make up my mind which to choose.

    4. It seemed that the handsome actor was not a bit(一点也不) worried, but in fact, he was not a little(非常) concerned about the result of the investigation, which may destroy his bright future.

    5. Unluckily(unfortunately不幸的是),the delegate (n.代表,n.delegation代表团)felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep without realizing that he had left his passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi.

    6. It is reported that by the end of 2014, Shanghai Disney Theme Park will have been open to the tourists from all over the world formally(正式,公开).

    7. The engineer pointed out, “to some extent, the more functions a calculator has, the more likely it is to be out of order.”

    8. We haven’t contacted(接触,联系,in contact with) each other since he left the organization but fortunately I could still recognize him in a quiz show on TV without hesitation.

    9. The merry aged couple got married in 1949 and up till now they have been married for 6 decades, which was admired by many young couples.

    10. The young clerk expressed full of confidence that he was qualified for that demanding (要求高的)mission, which was beyond our expectation.

    11. He was so eager for success that he consulted(查阅,请教) a successful CEO about how to succeed in regulating a joint(共同的,联合的) venture(冒险,风险) company.

    12. The sailor has adequate(充足的,胜任的)experience and he tells us his interesting experiences every time(名词引导状语从句) we are invited to his party.

    13. After scrubbing(擦洗,使净化。“是waiter主动做的,所以用v+ing”) the table swiftly, the waiter brought a menu to me and suggested(建议、命令、要求、坚持后用虚拟语气) that I should have a try at the new meal and tell him my attitude towards it.

    14. The distinguished(著名的。V.distinguish,区别,使杰出) enterprise consists of 12 departments, each of which (因为前面有“,”所以用which引导定语从句)is made up of 20 people, who graduated from top universities.

    15. The president was quoted(引用,引述) as saying that he was deeply moved by this moving film, which was based on a real story.

    16. The considerate(体贴的,考虑周到的) wife was very pleased with her own cooking because it tasted(尝起来,听起来,闻起来,看起来,摸起来,都是系动词,后面跟形容词) delicious and she was sure her husband would be fond of it.

    17. The naughty boy lied(lie表示“说谎”时,过去式为lied,表示“躺、位于”时,过去时lay,过去分词lain) that a hen which lay under the tree had laid 2 eggs; hence, his parents resolved (决定)to scold him rather than forgive him.

    18. Mayor was invited to make some comments not only on what(没有“先行词”所以用what引导名词性从句) happened, including the conflict between several residents and the police, but also on what will happen, an international conference on global trade included(注意体会是主动包括还是被包括,放前和放后是不一样的).

    19. After completing too much work imposed(强加,施加影响) by my boss in(用,在...之内) a much too short time, I couldn’t bear the pressure so I asked for a two-day leave to adjust(调整,适应) myself.

    20. I used to rise very late during the summer vacation, but I am used to waking up very early because the distance between my house and the office is 20 kilometers apart(adv.相距).









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