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每日一词 - attempt 详解

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今天小编给各位分享attempt的知识,文中也会对其通过每日一词 - attempt 详解和每日一词 -oriented等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮助,别忘了关注本站,现在进入正文!


  • 每日一词 - attempt 详解
  • 每日一词 -oriented
  • 每日一词之thankfully
  • 每日一词 | prevail
  • 一、每日一词 - attempt 详解

    每日一词 | attempt

    高中 CET4 CET6 考研

    英[əˈtempt] 美[əˈtempt]


    For Texas cattleman Pete Bonds, it’s increasingly difficult to find workers interested in watching cattle. But Bonds doesn't believe a robot is right for the job. Years of experience in the industry — and failed attempts to use technology — have convinced him that the best way to check cattle is with a man on a horse. Bonds, who bought his first cattle almost 50 years ago, still has each of his cowboys inspect 300 or 400 cattle daily and look for signs that an animal is getting sick.



    The four cheetahs in the photo are part of a group of five males called the “Tano Bora,” which means “outstanding five” in the Maasai language. The fifth cheetah was the most reluctant to enter the water and attempted the swim slightly behind the others.

    照片中的四只猎豹来自一个五只雄性猎豹的组合。它们被称为“Tano Bora”,在马赛语中意为“杰出的五只”。第五只猎豹最不愿意下水,试图在其他猎豹身后游动。


    原文标题:Cheetahs battling stormy river




    an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult, often with no success


    to make an effort or try to do something, especially something difficult






    attempted adj. 企图的;未遂的;

    同 / 近义词

    try v. to make an attempt or effort to do or get something

    n. an act of trying to do something


    At the Tokyo International Forum, Guo, in her first appearance at the Paralympics, successfully lifted 105kg in her first attempt, breaking the previous Paralympic record of 104kg. In her second attempt, the Chinese powerlifter started to challenge her own world record of 107kg but failed to raise 108kg. After quick and swift adjustment, she succeeded in her third attempt for a fresh world record, which did not stop her from pursuing a higher target. Guo applied for a fourth attempt, which would not count for this match according to Paralympic rules, and astonishingly lifted 109kg, refreshing the world record once again.


    原文标题:“Powerlifting gold winner Guo Lingling“





    一、每日一词 -oriented

    1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


    英英释义: designed to appeal to a certain kind of people

    例句:LinkedIn is a career-oriented networking site, where you can connect with colleagues, work contacts, and potential employers, and employees.

    2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

    “oriented”可以作为形容词表示“以…为方向的”“重视…的”,它其实也经常被用作后缀表示同样的意思。这种写法可以让我们的表达更见简洁,也可以在一些语境中替换 be destined to 等类似表达。

    当我们介绍一个公司或组织的核心方向、业务时就可以用得上 -oriented。比如 LinkedIn(领英)是一家职业社交网站,我们就可以这样介绍它:

    LinkedIn is a career-oriented networking site, where you can connect with colleagues, work contacts, and potential employers, and employees.


    The government has been promoting quality-oriented education, encouraging students to go beyond exams.

    《经济学人》中也经常这样用 -oriented,比如曾在一篇讲英国商业的特别报道中就多次用到:

    A more market-oriented system of higher education can do much better than the state-dominated model.(这里的 market-oriented system 和 state-dominated model 完美呼应)

    The more market-oriented model of higher education that has been pioneered in the United States, and is gradually spreading to much of the rest of the world, has four big advantages over the public model.

    3. 从认识到会用(作业)

    1)翻译下面的句子: 抖音是以年轻人为主的短视频应用程序,它声称有 2.5 亿每日活跃用户。

    (参考翻译:Douyin is a youth-oriented short video app, claiming to boast more than 250m daily active users. )




    英英释义:used to say that you are glad that something has happened, especially because a difficult situation has ended or been avoided

    例句:Thankfully, everything went smoothly.

    “thankfully”是副词,意思是“幸亏、幸运的是、令人欣慰的是”。注意,虽然从字面上看, thankfully 等同于 gratefully,但这种用法是有争议的。thankfully 最常见的的意思更接近 luckily 和 fortunately,即“幸运的是、谢天谢地”。这个词很好用,也是很多学习者想不起来会用的一个词。我们来通过几个例句掌握。


    Thankfully, everything went smoothly. (这里的 Thankfully 也可以换成 Fortunately)


    Once I was late for my flight. Thankfully, the flight got delayed, and I was able to board it eventually.
    造句:Once I was late for the appointment with my customers for the heavy traffic.Thankfully, they were not punctual, too.

    Thankfully, rubbish is one environmental issue where there is little need to worry about political incentives.




    (参考翻译:Thankfully, we spotted a product defect in time and fixed it before the launch.
    造句:Once I was late for the appointment with my customers for the heavy traffic.Thankfully, they were not punctual, either.

    三、每日一词 | prevail

    1 释义及用法: “获胜”=win=triumph; (态度、风俗)流行

    英英释义: to defeat an opponent especially in a long or difficult contest, often used figuratively ,这时候主语一般是抽象的名词,比如:

    Let justice prevail.

    May peace prevail on earth.

    Freedom will prevail!

    2 例句

    最后,正义必将胜出 (可运用到法律以及不公平的案例中)

    In the end, justice prevails.

    前美国总统乔治布什曾出版过一本书,书名就叫 We Will Prevail,书中提到一句话:

    We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and Freedom will prevail.


    Truth will always prevail over lies.

    如果prevail后面接介词,通常用over, 句型:A prevail over B

    3 翻译


    Despite great odds, true love always prevails

    4 造句


    Despite great odds, her optimistic attitude always prevails.


    No matter what jobs you choose, interest prevails. 


    Although students who do not study so hard get good grades, i still believe hard work will prevail.

    5 收获

    1)prevail搭配时经常和 always/eventually 搭配,如果和介词搭配用over。2)平时一想到困难的英文单词,脑海里就会浮现difficult, 今天学习到difficult的替代词—- odds

    关于attempt的问题,通过《每日一词之thankfully》、《每日一词 | prevail》等文章的解答希望已经帮助到您了!如您想了解更多关于attempt的相关信息,请到本站进行查找!


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