首页系统综合问题Mozilla再次展望未来网络愿景:Vision For The Evolution of The Web

Mozilla再次展望未来网络愿景:Vision For The Evolution of The Web

时间2023-03-27 18:12:42发布分享专员分类系统综合问题浏览209

今天小编给各位分享mozilla的知识,文中也会对其通过Mozilla再次展望未来网络愿景:Vision For The Evolution of The Web和Web服务器的演化(The evolution of Web Services)等多篇文章进行知识讲解,如果文章内容对您有帮助,别忘了关注本站,现在进入正文!


  • Mozilla再次展望未来网络愿景:Vision For The Evolution of The Web
  • Web服务器的演化(The evolution of Web Services)
  • 那些软件可以在LINUX系统上运行?
  • VISTA系统兼容性问题
  • 一、Mozilla再次展望未来网络愿景:Vision For The Evolution of The Web

    Mozilla 刚刚在官网上分享了有关 Web 发展演进的宏伟愿景,可知网络已是当今世界上最重要的通信系统,并且成为了许多人日常生活中一个不可或缺的重要组成部分。然而现实是,尽管 Web 已经在很多事情上做到了正确、并且取得了巨大的成功,但其距离“完美”仍有很长一段路要走。在 Mozilla 看来,其长远目标就是取其精华、去其糟粕,同时修补有害的部分。


    Mozilla 强调,其愿景始于 Web 的三个基础价值观、并且深深根植于其宣言之中,分别是:

    ● 开放性(Openness)意味着每个人都可以访问网络,并通过它来接触其他人。

    ● 代理(Agency):一旦个人接触到网络,他们就有权按照自己的方式来有效实现目的。

    ● 安全(Safety):使用网络的体验,决不可让个人置身于危险的境地。

    通过将这些价值观融汇到当今的 Web 中,Mozilla 认为还可以通过一系列努力,让他变得更加美好。




    在浏览的时候,用户应免于担心他们的设备是否会受到侵害。鉴于每款 Web 浏览器都难免存在重大的安全漏洞,最终技术应显著减少此类安全问题。

    Mozilla 正在 Firefox 浏览器中增加对相关技术的使用,并期待着其它开发商能够跟进。


    所有用户通信都应加密传输,尽管保护所有 HTTP 流量的漫长推动过程已接近尾声,但我们仍需努力改进现有的传统协议(比如域名解析服务 / DNS)、并将这一理念默认贯彻到所有新协议中。

    (4)安全地扩展 Web:

    新功能让 Web 变得越来越强大,同时也带来了新的风险,我们需要在新功能的附加价值和相关风险之间做好权衡。但若某些应用程序与 Web 八字不合,那也没必要去强求。

    (5)让 Web 提速到可满足任何用途:

    即使 Web 浏览器已较五年前有长足进步,但性能问题仍是个绕不过的槛。解决相关问题需要同步升级浏览器和基础设施,同时让人们更轻松、快速地构建有吸引力的站点。

    (6)致力于让任何人都可在 Web 上轻松发布:

    肃然早期网站相对简单且易于构建,但对性能和高产值的需求,还是不可避免地让 Web 变得越来越难以使用。

    Mozilla 的策略是将技术开发分类为越来越复杂的层次,然后努力消除将用户推向更复杂路径的可用性差距。

    (7)赋予用户以自己的方式体验 Web 的能力:

    既然 Web 本质是服务于用户,那就该努力兑现这一承诺。为此,我们需要确保不被网站反向绑架用户的体验 —— 无论是广告、还是以其它可访问的形式来查看内容。

    我们需要构建一个想用户之所想、急用户之所急的 Web 呈现方式,而不是按部就班地遵循网站的指示,以增强支撑这种新理念的 Web 标准的技术属性。


    当前 Web 的技术架构和内容升天系统,多是照着北美英语用户的使用习惯而打造的。

    然而他们只占全世界的一小部分,Mozilla 希望 Web 能够为每个人都提供良好的服务 —— 不论他们生活在哪里、又讲述着怎样的语言。


    随着 Web 体验变得越来越丰富,这部分已被遗忘的用户群体,也陷入了越来越难以与屏幕阅读器等辅助技术交互的尴尬 —— Mozilla 迫切希望尽快扭转这种趋势。

    综上所述,唯有将强大的经济与技术力量结合到一起,才能让 Web 顺利发展到今天这个样子。


    我们看到了作为一个社区来共同努力打造一个真正开放、且所有人都能够访问的 Web 的切实机会!

    一、Web服务器的演化(The evolution of Web Services)

    根据W3C的定义,Web服务(Web service)应当是一个软件系统,用以支持网络间不同机器的互动操作。网络服务通常是许多应用程序接口(API)所组成的,它们透过网络,例如国际互联网(Internet)的远程服务器端,执行客户所提交服务的请求。

    为扩展WEB服务能力,一些新的标准已经或正在被开发。这些标准通常被冠以WS字头(Web Service的简称),以下是一个WS系列追加标准的不完全列表:
    WS安全(WS-Security)定义了如何在SOAP中使用XML加密或XML签名来保护消息传递。可作为HTTPS保护的一种替代或扩充。WS信赖性(WS-Reliability)一个来自OASIS的标准协议,用来提供可信赖的WEB服务间消息传递。WS可信赖消息(WS-ReliableMessaging)同样是一个提供信赖消息的协议,由Microsoft, BEA 和IBM发布。目前OASIS正对其实施标准化工作。WS寻址(WS-Addressing)定义了在SOAP消息内描述发送/接收方地址的方式。WS事务(WS-Transaction)定义事务处理方式。
    一直以来,W3C负责制定了不少WS追加定义,但近来此举开始受到怀疑。一些人呼吁W3C作为网络和语义网构建者应当把精力放在核心网络本身,而不是为WEB服务改换版本。特别是2007年2月的企业级WEB服务论坛上,对W3C不再充当WEB服务定义者的诉求开始表面化。 此外,OASIS对WEB服务扩展实施了许多标准化工作。包括WEB服务资源框架以及WSDM。

    百度知道 - 科普保姆团队







    Internet Explorer, Netscape / Mozilla, Opera [版权], Firefox, 等

    1) Netscape / Mozilla.
    2) Galeon.
    3) Konqueror.
    4) Opera. [版权]
    5) Firefox.
    6) Nautilus.
    7) Epiphany.
    8)连接. (用 "-g" 键).
    9) Dillo.
    10) Encompass.


    1) Links
    2) Lynx
    3) Xemacs + w3.

    1) Links.
    2) ELinks.
    3) Lynx.
    4) w3m.
    5) Xemacs + w3.


    Outlook Express, Netscape / Mozilla, Thunderbird, The Bat, Eudora, Becky, Datula, Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws, Opera

    1) Evolution.
    2) Netscape / Mozilla/Thunderbird messenger.
    3) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws.
    4) Kmail.
    5) Gnus.
    6) Balsa.
    7) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [版权]
    8) Arrow.
    9) Gnumail.
    10) Althea.
    11) Liamail.
    12) Aethera.
    13) MailWarrior.
    14) Opera.

    电子邮件客户端软件/ 个人信息管理MS Outlook 风格


    1) Evolution.
    2) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [版权]
    3) Aethera.
    4) Sylpheed.
    5) Sylpheed-claws.

    电子邮件客户端软件The Bat 风格

    The Bat

    1) Sylpheed.
    2) Sylpheed-claws.
    3) Kmail.
    4) Gnus.
    5) Balsa.


    Mutt [de], Pine, Pegasus, Emacs

    1) Pine. [非自由软件]
    2) Mutt.
    3) Gnus.
    4) Elm.
    5) Emacs.


    1) Agent [版权]
    2) Free Agent
    3) Xnews
    4) Outlook
    5) Netscape / Mozilla
    6) Opera [版权]
    7) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws
    8) Dialog
    9) Gravity
    10) BNR2

    1) Knode.
    2) Pan.
    3) NewsReader.
    4) Netscape / Mozilla.
    5) Opera [版权]
    6) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws.
    7) Pine. [非自由软件]
    8) Mutt.
    9) Gnus.
    10) tin.
    11) slrn.
    12) Xemacs.
    13) BNR2.



    1) Rubrica


    Flashget, Go!zilla, Reget, Getright, DAP, Wget, WackGet, Mass Downloader, 等

    1) Downloader for X.
    2) Caitoo (former Kget).
    3) Prozilla.
    4) Wget (命令行, 标准).
    5) Wget图形界面: Kmago, Gnome Transfer Manager, QTget, Xget, 等
    6) Aria.
    7) Axel.
    8) Download Accelerator Plus.
    9) GetLeft.
    10) Lftp.


    Teleport Pro, Httrack, Wget, 等

    1) Httrack.
    2) WWW Offline Explorer.
    3) Wget (命令行, 标准). 图形界面: Kmago, QTget, Xget, 等
    4) Downloader for X.
    5) Pavuk.
    6) XSiteCopy.
    7) GetLeft.
    8) Curl (命令行).
    9) Khttrack.


    Bullet Proof FTP, CuteFTP, WSFTP, SmartFTP, 文件Zilla, 等

    1) Gftp.
    2) Konqueror.
    3) KBear.
    4) IglooFTP. [版权]
    5) Nftp.
    6) Wxftp.
    7) AxyFTP.
    8) mc. (cd ftp://等)
    9) tkFTP.
    10) Yafc.
    11) Dpsftp. (消亡项目)


    FTP in Far, ftp.exe, Ncftp

    1) Ncftp.
    2) Lftp.
    3) Avfs. (从任意程序: /#ftp:等)


    Mirc, Klient, VIRC, Xircon, Pirch, XChat

    1) Xchat.
    2) KVirc.
    3) Irssi.
    4) BitchX.
    5) Ksirc.
    6) Epic.
    7) Sirc.
    8) PJIRC.


    1) QuickChat
    2) Akeni
    3) PonyChat
    4) iChat

    1) talk (命令行), ktalk.
    2) Akeni.
    3) Echat.
    4) write, wall (同机用户间聊天)



    smbclient (命令行). 图形界面:
    1) LinPopUp 2.
    2) Kpopup.
    3) Kopete.


    ICQ Lite, ICQ Corp, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, 等
    Trillian ICQ (自由软件, 可替代所有IM 客户端软件), Miranda, Gaim

    1) Licq (ICQ).
    2) Centericq (近似IM 协议, 命令行).
    3) Alicq (ICQ).
    4) Micq (ICQ).
    5) GnomeICU (ICQ).
    6) Gaim. (几乎所有IM 协议)
    7) Ayttm. (几乎所有IM 协议)
    8) Kopete.
    9) Everybuddy.
    10) Simple Instant Messenger.
    11) Imici Messenger.
    12) Ickle (ICQ).
    13) aMSN (MSN).
    14) Kmerlin (MSN).
    15) Kicq (ICQ).
    16) YSM. (ICQ, 命令行).
    17) kxicq.
    18) Yahoo Messenger for Unix.
    19) Kmess (MSN).
    20) AIM.
    21) MSNre. (命令行)

    Jabber IM 客户端软件

    JAJC, Tkabber (+activestate tcl), Psi, Exodus, WinJab, myJabber, RhymBox, Rival, Skabber, TipicIM, Vista, Yabber, Miranda, Gaim, Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition

    1) Tkabber.
    2) Gabber.
    3) Psi.
    4) Gaim.
    5) Centericq (命令行).
    6) Ayttm.
    7) Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition.

    监视站点邮箱, 显示邮件台头


    1) Web Secretary.
    2) Knewsticker & korn.
    3) Mozilla (未知).
    4) watch -n seconds lynx -dump



    1) GnomeMeeting.
    2) vat/vic/wb.
    3) rat/wbd/nte.
    4) NeVoT.
    5) IVS.


    Speak Freely

    1) Speak Freely for Unix.
    2) TeamSpeak.

    防火墙 (包过滤)

    BlackICE, ATGuard, ZoneAlarm, Agnitum Outpost 防火墙, WinRoute Pro, Norton Internet Security, Sygate Personal 防火墙 PRO, Kerio Personal 防火墙, 等

    iptables或更多过时IPchains (命令行, 标准). 前端:
    1) Kmy防火墙.
    2) Easy 防火墙 Generator.
    3) 防火墙 Builder.
    4) Shorewall.
    5) Guarddog.
    6) FireStarter.
    7) Smoothwall. [版权]
    8) IPCop.
    9) Zorp.

    IDS (入侵检测系统)

    1) BlackICE
    2) Agnitum Outpost 防火墙
    3) Tripwire [版权]
    4) Kerio Personal 防火墙

    1) Snort.
    2) Portsentry / Hostsentry / Logsentry.
    3) Tripwire [GPL].
    4) Tripwall.
    5) AIDE.
    6) ViperDB.
    7) Integrit.
    8) Cerberus Intrusion Detection System.
    9) MIDAS NMS.



    1) Pkdump.



    1) Bastille.
    2) Linux Security Auditing Tool.


    VisualRoute [版权]

    1) Xtraceroute.
    2) VisualRoute. [版权]
    3) Mtr.
    4) Geotrace.


    Proxomitron, ATGuard, Agnitum Outpost 防火墙, Privoxy, MS ISA 服务器, Guidescope, 等

    1) DansGuardian.
    2) Squid.
    3) Squidguard.
    4) Privoxy.
    5) JunkBuster.
    6) Zorp.
    7) Fork.
    8) Redirector.

    流量控制 / shaping

    WinRoute Pro, 等

    1) IP Relay.
    2) CBQ (从IP路由2 包).
    3) tc (从IP路由2 包).
    4) LARTC.


    Netstat, Tmeter, 等

    1) Tcp4me.
    2) Getstatd.
    3) Ipacct.
    4) Ipac-ng.
    5) Ipaudit.
    6) Lanbilling.
    7) SARG (完全Squid交通).
    8) Talinux.
    9) NetUP UserTrafManager.
    10) MRTG.
    11) NetTop.

    点对点客户端软件 / 服务器, 文件共享(p2p)

    Morpheus (Gnutella), WinMX, Napster, KaZaA (Fasttrack), eDonkey [版权], eMule, TheCircle, Bittorrent, SoulSeek, Direct Connect

    1) Mldonkey. (eDonkey, Soulseek, Fasttrack, Gnutella, Open Napster, Direct Connect, BitTorrent)
    2) LimeWire. (Gnutella)
    3) Lopster. (OpenNAP)
    4) Gnapster. (OpenNAP)
    5) eDonkey. (eDonkey) [版权]
    6) cDonkey. (eDonkey)
    7) Gift client / 服务器 / fasttrack plugin (Fasttrack)
    8) ed2k_图形界面.
    9) Gtk-Gnutella. (Gnutella)
    10) Qtella. (Gnutella)
    11) Mutella. (Gnutella, 命令行)
    12) TheCircle.
    13) Freenet. (匿名点对点)
    14) GNUnet.
    15) Lmule. (eDonkey)
    16) Xmule. (eDonkey)
    17) Bittorrent.
    18) PySoulSeek (Soulseek).
    19) Loophole. (WinMX) [版权]
    20) Direct Connect.
    21) QuickDC. (Direct Connect).
    22) OverNet.
    23) Apollon.
    24) GrapeWine. (匿名点对点)
    25) Snark. (Bittorrent)

    "Hotline"点对点协议 客户端软件 / 服务器


    1) Gtkhx.
    2) Fidelio.
    3) GHX. [版权]
    1) Synapse.
    2) HSX.

    调制解调器- 从回叫和AON到传真设备

    Venta Fax, PrimaFax

    1) Gfax. (未知)
    2) PrimaFax. [版权, 99$]
    3) mgetty + voice + sendfax.
    4) vgetty.



    1) HylaFax.
    2) Fax2Send. [版权]
    3) Efax.
    4) VSI-FAX. [版权]


    Vdialer, etc

    1) Kppp.
    2) X-isp.
    3) wvdial. (前端: X-wvdial, kvdial, gtkdial).
    4) Gppp.
    5) Kinternet.
    6) Rp3.
    7) pppconfig + pon + poff.
    8) Modem Lights.
    9) Netcount. (命令行)

    FTN 编辑器


    1) Golded.
    2) Golded+.
    3) Msged.
    4) Qded.

    FTN tosser

    FastEcho, hpt

    1) hpt.
    2) CrashEcho.
    3) Qecho.
    4) CrashMail II.
    5) Fidogate - 新闻组门户.
    6) ifmail - 新闻组门户.

    FTN mailer

    SF-Mail, T-Mail

    1) ifcico.
    2) qico.
    3) Bforce.
    4) Binkd.


    1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing
    2) Remote Administrator (Radmin) [版权]
    3) Remote Assistance [版权]
    4) Symantec pcAnywhere [版权]
    5) Windows Terminal 服务器 [版权]
    6) Rdesktop [版权]
    7) Radmin [版权]
    8) PC-Duo [版权]
    9) Huey PC 远程 Control (only for NT) [版权]
    10) Timbuktu Pro [版权]
    11) LapLink [版权]
    12) GoToMyPC [版权]
    13) Bo2k and other trojans

    1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing.
    2) ssh.
    3) 远程管理XFree86.
    4) 远程管理KDE 3.1. ("桌面共享").
    5) Rdesktop Client.
    6) rsh / rlogin.
    7) telnet.
    8) Gtelnet.
    9) x0rfb服务器.
    10) KDE Universal 远程 桌面.


    HyperTerminal, Terminate, etc

    1) Minicom + lrzcz + Kermit.
    2) Msterm.
    3) Xtel.
    4) uucp.
    5) lrzsz +从uucp到cu.


    Putty, Irlex, cygwin + ssh

    1) Kssh.
    2) ssh / openssh.
    3) GTelnet. (Telnet, SSH, Rlogin)


    Dumeter, Netmedic

    1) Gkrellm.
    2) Big Brother.
    3) Etherape.
    4) Nagios.
    5) Tkined.
    6) MRTG.
    7) Rrdtool.
    8) PIKT.
    9) Autostatus.
    10) bcnu.
    11) mon.
    12) Sysmon.
    13) Spong.
    14) SNIPS.
    15) iptraf (命令行).
    16) Ksysguard.
    17) OpenNMS.
    18) tcpdump.


    惠普OpenView, MS SMS, Tivoli

    1) HP OpenView agents. [版权]
    2) Big Brother.
    3) Cheops.
    4) Tkined.
    5) OpenNMS.

    协议分析, 探测

    Sniffer Pro, EtherPeek (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), Windump, Ethereal, MS 网络 Monitor, Iris, Lan Explorer, NetSniffer, Snort, 等

    1) Ethereal.
    2) Tcpdump.
    3) Etherape.
    4) Ntop.
    5) IPxdump. (+IPxparse解析)
    6) Snort.


    ShadowScan, ISS, Retina, Internet Scanner

    1) Nessus.
    2) Nmap.



    1)IP路由2 +IPtables.
    2) GateD. [版权]
    3) GNU Zebra.

    以太网/IP 测试工具,软件库




    Buddyphone [版权], Cisco SoftPhone

    1) GNU Bayonne.
    2) Openh323.
    3) OpenPhone.
    4) tkPhone.
    5) NauPhone.


    Windows 共享

    1) NFS.
    2) Samba.
    3) Samba-TNG.
    4) FTP.


    Windows Domain, Active Directory

    1) Samba.
    2) Ldap.
    3) yp.


    网络 邻居

    1) Samba.
    2) KDE Lan Browser, lisa
    3) Lin邻居.
    4) xSMBrowser.
    5) Komba2.
    6) Konqueror.



    1) rp-pppoe.
    2) Pptp client.


    1) United Devices.
    2) Seti @ Home.
    3) Folding @ Home.
    4) Genome @ Home.

    1) Distributed.net.
    2) Seti @ Home.
    3) Folding @ Home.
    4) Genome @ Home.
    5) D2ol.
    * 有些Linux 版本仅在命令行模式下运行.

    IPSEC 协议



    VRML 查看,编辑器


    1) White Dune.



    1) Bidwatcher.


    文件管理(FAR和NC 风格)

    FAR, Norton Commander, Disco Commander, Volcov Commander, etc

    1) Midnight Commander.
    2) X Northern Captain.
    3) Deco (Demos Commander).
    4) Portos Commander.
    5) Konqueror in MC style.
    6) Gentoo.
    7) VFU.
    8) Ytree.

    文件管理(Windows Commander 风格)

    Total Commander (Windows Commander前身)

    1) Krusader.
    2) Kcommander.
    3) 文件Runner (TCL/TK).
    4) Linux Commander.
    5) LinCommander.
    6) Rox, Rox-文件r.
    7) Emelfm.
    8) Midnight Commander.
    9) Worker.


    Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer

    1) Konqueror.
    2) Gnome-Commander.
    3) Nautilus.
    4) Endeavour Mark II.
    5) XWC.



    1) vshnu: the New Visual Shell.

    快速查看本地 HTML文档

    1) Internet Explorer
    2) Microsoft Document Explorer

    1) Dillo. (俄语补丁- here).
    2) Konqueror.
    3) Nautilus.
    4) Lynx / Links.





    Roxio (former Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CD


    多路CD +从多CD中恢复信息




    1) WinZip
    2) WinRar
    3) 7-Zip
    4) WinACE
    5) UltimateZip

    1) Ark (kdeutils).
    2) Gnozip.
    3) KArchiveur.
    4) Gnochive.
    5) 文件Roller.
    6) Unace.
    7) LinZip.
    8) TkZip.


    arj, rar, zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, lha等

    1) tar, gzip, bzip2.
    2) Unarc.
    3) Lha. (日语)
    4) Infozip.
    5) Arj.
    6) Avfs. (支持各种程序格式 - file.zip#/等).
    7) Zoo.
    8) RAR.
    9) CAB Extract.


    1) Beyond Compare.
    2) Araxis Merge.
    3) WinMerge
    4) Minimalist GNU For Windows (diff.exe)
    5) Unison

    1) Mgdiff.
    2) diff, patch.
    3) Xemacs.
    4) Xdelta. (为二进制文件打补丁)
    5) Meld.
    6) Xxdiff.
    7) Unison.


    TotalCommander插件, 等

    1) GPRename. (基于Perl)
    2) 插件 for MC (未知)



    Notepad, WordPad, TextPad, Vim, Xemacs, 等

    1) Kedit (KDE).
    2) Gedit (Gnome).
    3) Gnotepad.
    4) Kate (KDE).
    5) KWrite (KDE).
    6) Nedit.
    7) Vim.
    8) Xemacs.
    9) Xcoral.
    10) Nvi.
    11) Ozeditor.


    1) Vim
    2) Emacs
    3) FAR编辑器, DN编辑器, 等

    1) Vim.
    2) Emacs.
    3) Nano. (pico的一个自由版本)
    4) joe.
    5) Fte.
    6) Jed.
    7) CoolEdit.


    SciTE, UltraEdit, MultiEdit, Vim, Xemacs, 等

    1) Kate (KDE).
    2) Nedit.
    3) CodeCommander.
    4) SciTE.
    5) Quanta Plus.
    6) Vim.
    7) Xemacs.
    8) Mcedit (同mc一起发布).
    9) Jed.
    10) Setedit. (Turbo Vision looking 风格)
    11) HT 编辑器.

    文本编辑器 (古代斯拉夫语)支持

    Bred, Rpad32, Aditor, Vim, Xemacs

    1) Kate (KDE).
    2) Nedit.
    3) Fte (命令行).
    4) Patched version of Midnight Commander.
    5) Vim.
    6) Xemacs.


    1) RoPS
    2) GhostView

    1) GhostView.
    2) Kghostview.
    3) GV.
    4) GGV.


    1)Adobe Acrobat Distiller
    2) GhostView

    1)Acrobat Reader.[版权]
    2) Xpdf.
    3) GV.
    4) GGV.
    5) GhostView.
    6) Kghostview.


    1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
    2) GhostView
    3) Ghostscript

    1)任何Linux所见所得程序 -> 打印到文件 ->ps2pdf. (这里有专门介绍文章).
    2)Adobe不偿失Acrobat Distiller. [版权]
    3)PStill. [共享软件]
    5) Xfig.
    6) Ghostscript.
    8) Reportlab.
    9) GV.
    10) GGV.
    11) GhostView.
    12) Kghostview.
    13) Panda PDF Generator.


    PGP, GnuPG + Windows Privacy Tools

    1) GnuPG (命令行) + GPA, KGpg, 和其他前端s.
    2) PGP. [版权]


    EFS (标准), PGP-Disk, BestCrypt, Private Disk Light

    1) Loop-aes.
    2) CFS.
    3) TCFS.
    4) BestCrypt.
    5) CryptFS.


    mstask, nnCron

    cron, at (标准, 命令行). 图形界面: Kcron.



    1) KOrganizer.


    VirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon 工具, 等

    1) Virtual CD Kernel Modul.
    2) "cp /dev/cdrom mycd.iso" + "mount -o loop mycd.iso /mnt/cdrom/".


    Recognita, FineReader

    1) ClaraOcr.
    2) Gocr.
    3) Kooka.


    Promt, Socrat

    Ksocrat (未知)

    英-俄字典 (古代斯拉夫语)

    1) ABBYY Lingvo
    2) Socrat
    3) JaLingvo
    4) phpMyLingvo

    1) Mueller.
    2) Ksocrat.
    3) JaLingvo.
    4) phpMyLingvo.
    5) dict+Kdict.
    6) DictX.
    7) Groan.
    8) Mova.
    9) Slowo.
    10) Stardict.


    随扫描仪CD的程序, VueScan

    1) Xsane.
    2) Kooka.
    3) Xvscan. [版权]
    4) VueScan. [版权]


    AVG 杀毒软件, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro, F-Prot, Kaspersky, 等

    1) Dr. Web. [版权]
    2) Trend ServerProtect. [版权]
    3) RAV 杀毒软件. [版权] (Bought by Microsoft?)
    4) OpenAntivirus + AMaViS / VirusHammer.
    5) F-Prot. [版权]
    6) Sophie / Trophie.
    7) Clam Antivirus.
    8) Kaspersky. [版权]
    9) YAVR.


    控制面板, Msconfig, RegEdit, WinBoost, TweakXP, Customizer XP, X-Setup, PowerToys, Config NT, 等

    1) setup (Red Hat).
    2) chkconfig (Red Hat).
    3) redhat-config-. (Red Hat 8.0).
    4) xf86config, xf86cfg.
    5) Linuxconf.
    6) Drakeconf.
    7) Webmin.
    8) yast and yast2 (SuSE).
    9) sysinstall (FreeBSD).
    10) /dev/hands :).


    系统 Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, GAG, 等

    1) Grub.
    2) Lilo.
    3) ASPLoader.
    4) Acronis OS Selector [版权].
    5) Ranish Partition Manager.
    6) osbs.
    7) Symon.
    8) Smart Boot Manager.
    9) Xosl.
    10) GAG.


    1) PowerQuest Partition Magic [版权]
    2) Acronis PartitionExpert [版权]
    3) Paragon Partition Manager [版权]
    4) Partition Commander [版权]

    1) Part图形界面. (partimage和parted图形界面)
    2) GNU Parted. (图形界面 - QTParted).
    3) Partition Image.
    4) fips.
    5) Diskdrake (Mandrake).
    6) Paragon Partition Manager [版权].
    7) Acronis PartitionExpert [版权]. (review)

    LVM + 软-RAID + parted + 等




    ntbackup (标准), Legato 网络er [版权]

    1) Legato Networker. [版权]
    2) Lonetar. [版权]
    3) Disk Archive.
    4) Bacula.
    5) Taper.
    6) dump / restore. (命令行, 标准)
    7) Amanda (命令行).
    8) Mondo Rescue. (备份自启动,自动恢复到磁盘)


    1) DriveImage
    2) Ghostpe

    1) PartitionImage (图形界面 - 部分图形界面).
    2) dd (命令行, 标准).
    3) Mondo Rescue.


    1) ImageCast
    2) Norton Ghost

    1) UDP Cast.
    2) Techteam's UDP Cast Disks.
    3) Ghost for Unix (g4u).


    TaskMan (标准), TaskInfo, ProcessExplorer NT.

    1) top (命令行, 标准).
    2) Gtop, Ktop.
    3) Ksysguard.
    4) "ps aux|more", "kill "


    Punto Switcher, Keyboard Ninja, Snoop




    1) Kgesture.
    2) wayV.
    3) Optimoz.



    Home Portal.


    MS 文本 to speech

    1) KDE Voice 插件.
    2) Festival.
    3) Emacspeak.
    4) VoiceText.


    ViaVoice, DragonNaturally Speaking

    目前没有可用语音识别软件包. 但:
    1) Sphinx.
    2) ViaVoice. (基本上消亡了)


    1) Minimalist GNU For Windows (sed.exe)
    2) perl

    1) sed, awk.
    2) perl.

    PIM / DB / hierarchical 树形视图写字板

    TreePad [版权], Leo, CueCards

    1) TreePad Lite. [版权]
    2) Yank.
    3) TreeLine.
    4) Gjots.
    5) Leo.
    6) Hnb - hierarchical notebook.
    7) TuxCards.


    Integrated with 系统, comes on CD with 视频 card

    1) Multires.
    2) Ctrl+Alt+"-", Ctrl+Alt+"+".
    3) Fbset. (使用帧缓存时)


    1) Integrated with 系统
    2) Indexing service
    3) HTMLChanger
    4) Any file 管理

    1) find (命令行, 标准).
    2) slocate (命令行, 标准).
    1) Gsearchtool.
    2) Kfind.
    3) Any file 管理


    1) Indexing service (未知)
    2) mnoGoSearch. [版权,视窗版]

    1) mnoGoSearch.
    2) ASPSeek.


    系统监视 (built-in)

    1) top (命令行, 标准).
    2) Gkrellm.
    3) Ksysguard.
    4) Survivor.
    5) "Hot-babe". (有特殊副作用, 不要使用他 :).


    Event Viewer (built-in)

    1) Xlogmaster.
    2) Analog.
    3) Fwlogview. (防火墙)


    R-Studio (supports Linux 分区)

    1) e2undel.
    2) myrescue.
    3) TestDisk.
    4) unrm.
    5) Channel 16.



    1) Enca.
    2) Jconv.
    3) Xcode. (古代斯拉夫语)
    4) Asrecod. (古代斯拉夫语)



    1) KAlarm.


    Palm 桌面

    1) Kpilot.
    2) Jpilot.

    处理掌上电脑.html 文件


    1) iSilo.
    2) Plucker.



    1) Powertweak-Linux.


    On-Line Bible, The SWORD

    1) BibleTime (KDE)
    2) Gnomesword (Gnome)


    Mouse Imp




    1) Background Buddy.



    1) GSwitchIt.



    Kregedit :).

    4.1) 多媒体 (音频/CD).



    Linux MIDI &声音应用程序 - 许多连接资源.

    音乐 / mp3 / ogg 播放器

    1) Winamp
    2) Zinf
    3) SnackAmp
    4) Soritong
    5) Apollo
    6) K-jofol 2000
    7) Sonique
    8) C-4
    9) Media Box Audio / 视频 Workstation 5
    10) Blaze Media Pro
    11) NEX 3
    12) Real Jukebox
    13) Windows Media 播放器

    1) XMMS (X multimedia system).
    2) Noatun.
    3) Zinf. (Freeamp前身)
    4) Winamp.
    5) Xamp.
    6) GQmpeg.
    7) SnackAmp.
    8) Mplayer. (前端: Kplayer).
    9) Xine. (前端: Sinek, Totem)

    命令行 音乐 / mp3 / ogg 播放器s

    mpg123, dosamp, Mplayer

    1) Cplayer.
    2) mpg123.
    3) ogg123.
    4) mpg321.
    5) Orpheus.
    6) Mp3blaster.
    7) Madplay.
    8) Console utils for xmms.
    9) Mplayer.


    AntiSpyware 间谍软件查杀

    * Ad Muncher v4.7 Beta (32 Bit)
    * Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Personal v1.06r1 (32 Bit)
    * Rogers Yahoo! Antispy (32 Bit)
    * Spybot S&D v1.2 (32 Bit)
    * Spybot S&D v1.4 (32 Bit)
    * Spyware Doctor v3.2 (32 Bit)
    * SpywareBlaster 3.4 (32 Bit)
    * SuperAdsBlocker v2 (32 Bit)

    AntiVirus 杀毒软件

    * Avast v4.6.744 Home Edition (32 Bit) [NOTE: Active Scanning does NOT work.]
    * Avast v4.6.763 Home Edition (32 Bit) [NOTE: All features now APPEAR to work!]
    * Avast v4.7.827 Home Edition (32 Bit)
    * AVG Professional Edition 7.1.384 (32 Bit)
    * ClamWin v0.87.1 (32 Bit and 64 Bit)
    * Command Antivirus v4.92.91 (32 Bit)
    * Eset NOD32 v2.50.16 (32 Bit) Vista之家重点推荐软件,下载:
    * Eset NOD32 v2.51.8 (32 Bit and 64 Bit) [NOTE: Control Center doesn't work in account with administrator privileges (UAPs fault?), works fine with built-in Administrator account.]
    * Etrust Antivirus Corporate v7.0.139 (32 Bit)
    * F-Prot AntiVirus v3.16c (32 Bit)
    * Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Pro (32 Bit) 卡巴斯基的病毒库最强,Vista下面测试的综合性,例如查杀毒速度和资源占用,比NOD32差不少
    * Kaspersky Anti-Virus v6.0.299 (32 Bit)
    * Symantec Norton Antivirus 2003 Professional (32 Bit) 诺顿不是太适合国内个人用户,在Vista下面装了和没装基本一样
    * Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security v14.55.1003 (32 Bit)
    * VirusChaser v5 (32 Bit)

    Backups 备份软件

    * DriveImage v7 (32 Bit)
    * Ghost v9 (32 Bit) 这个在Windows Vista下面是可以用的,Vista之家全面测试通过

    CD/DVD Authoring CD光盘/DVD 光盘刻录编辑和虚拟光驱软件

    * AnyDVD v5.3.2.1 (32 Bit)
    * AnyDVD v5.9.4.1 (32 Bit)
    * AnyDVD v5.9.6.3 (32 Bit)
    * AnyDVD v6.0.0.4 (32 Bit)
    * CloneDVD v2.8.4.1 (32 Bit) 这个克隆的速度很不错
    * Daemon Tools v4.0.3 (32 Bit) [NOTE: New version runs perfectly.] 建议使用4.08之后的版本,下载:
    * DVD Decrypter v3.5.4.0 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Displays error on close, but burns no problem.]
    * DVD Shrink 3.2 (32 Bit)
    * Frog ASPI v0.29.4 (32 Bit)
    * InterVideo DVDCopy v3 (32 Bit)
    * Gamejack v4.0.0.590 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Two virtual drives included.]
    * Gamejack v5.0.3.3 (32 Bit) [NOTE: One virtual drive included.]
    * Nero Burning ROM v5.5.10.5 (OEM) (32 Bit) 国内用户现在追新,基本使用 7.0版本了
    * Nero Burning ROM/Ultra Edition v6.6.0.14 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Nero Express crashes, but Nero Burning ROM works perfectly fine.]
    * Nero Burning ROM/Ultra Edition v6.6.0.16 (32 Bit)
    * StarPort v2.6.1 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Includes working virtual CD/DVD drive!]
    * UltraISO v7.6.5.1269 (32 Bit)
    * Virtual CloneDrive v5.1.3.1 (32 Bit)
    * Virtual CloneDrive v5.1.4.5 (32 Bit)

    Compression 压缩/解压缩软件

    * 7-Zip v3.42 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Works, but file associations do not stick.]
    * Power Archiver v9.25 (32 Bit)
    * WinAce v2.6 (32 Bit)
    * WinRAR v3.42 (32 Bit)
    * WinRAR v3.5x (32 Bit)
    * WinRAR v4 Beta (32 Bit) Vista之家推荐3.7简体中文版
    * WinZip v9.0 (32 Bit)
    * ZipGenius v6.0.2.1041 (32 Bit)

    Defragmenting 磁盘碎片整理

    * O&O Defrag v8 Pro - Build 1341 (32 Bit) 实际上,Windows Vista自己带的磁盘碎片整理软件已经很不错了

    Developer Tools 开发工具

    * IDA Pro Standard v4.7 (32 Bit)
    * Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 (32 Bit)
    * Macromedia Fireworks 2004 (32 Bit)
    * Macromedia Fireworks v8 (32 Bit)
    * Macromedia Flash Professional MX 2004 (32 Bit)
    * Macromedia Flash v8 (32 Bit)
    * Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Needs FrontPage Server Extensions 2000/2002 which are available from Microsoft's web site.]
    * Microsoft Xbox SDK Build #5849 (32 Bit)

    Emulators 模拟器

    * 1964 v0.9.9 (32 Bit)
    * ePSXe v1.6.0 (32 Bit)
    * FCEU v0.98.13-pre (32 Bit)
    * MagicEngine v1.0.0 PR10 (32 Bit)
    * Project64 v1.6 (32 Bit)
    * RockNES v4.03 (32 Bit)
    * RockNES X v2.0f (32 Bit)
    * Stella v1.4.2 (32 Bit)
    * Z26 v2.1.3 (32 Bit)
    * zSNESW v1.43pre {May 14, 2006} (32 Bit)

    File Sharing 文件共享 P2P BT下载程序软件

    * ABC (Yet Another Bittorrent Client) v3.1 (32 Bit)
    * Ares v1.8.1 (32 Bit)
    * Azureus v2.3.0.4 + JRE v5.0 (32 Bit) {Java}
    * Azureus v2.3.0.6 + JRE v5.0 (32 Bit){Java} [NOTE: Crashes sometimes (Java reports errors) causing Aero Glass to become disabled, but re-enables on program close.]
    * Bear Share v5.x.x (32 Bit)
    * Bitcomet v0.57 (32 Bit) 现在应该都用 0.76以上的版本了
    * BitLord v1.1 (32 Bit) [NOTE: It has to be for 2K/XP or it won't work at all!]
    * BitSpirit v3.1.0.0777 (32 Bit)
    * BitTornado 0.3.7 (32 Bit)
    * BitTorrent v4.0.4 (32 Bit)
    * Burst! v3.1.0b (32 Bit)
    * DC++ v0.674 (32 Bit)
    * eMule v0.45b (32 Bit) VeryCD的版本,在国内更多一些
    * Exeem v0.27 Beta (32 Bit)
    * Frostwire v4.10.9 Beta (32 Bit) [NOTE: Requires Java Runtime Environment v6 Beta to work.]
    * Kazaa Lite Revolution v2.6.0 (32 Bit)
    * LimeWire Pro v4.9.7 (32 Bit) {Java}
    * LimeWire Pro v4.10.9 (32 Bit) {Java}
    * Limewire Pro 4.11.2 (32 Bit) {Java}
    * mIRC 6.17 (32 Bit) * NewsBin Pro v5.0 Beta - September 2005 (32 Bit)
    * Shareaza v2.1.0.0 (32 Bit)
    * uTorrent v1.5 - Build 437 (32 Bit)

    Firewalls/IDSs 防火墙

    * Look 'n' Stop 2.05p2 - Build 5112,5219 (32 Bit)
    * PeerGuardian v2.0 Beta 6b (32 Bit) [NOTE: Windows Defender stops it from blocking.]
    * Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security v14.55.1003 (32 Bit)
    Vista之家补充:实际上Windows Vista自带了Windows Defender这些软件的,而且,在Longhorn Server里面,就是Windows 2007,里面也整合了 Windows Firewall,看来比Windows 2003强悍了不少!

    FTP 文件上传下载软件

    * Blackmoon FTP Server v3.1 (32 Bit)
    * FileZilla v2.2.14b (32 Bit)
    * FileZilla v2.2.24b (32 Bit)
    * FlashFXP v3.1.7 Build 1060 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Will give errors when downloading a file, but just hit continue application.]
    * FlashFXP v3.2.0 Build 1080 (32 Bit) Vista 之 家 团 队 习惯用这个
    * FTPRush v1.0 UNICODE (32 Bit)
    * SmartFTP v1.5 (32 Bit)
    * TurboFTP v4.50 Build 420 (32 Bit)

    Games 游戏/网络游戏

    * Punkbuster Client vX.X (32 Bit) [NOTE: Games which use Punkbuster must be run with elevated priveleges in order to avoid PB kicking you automatically. To do this, edit the shortcut for a game that uses PunkBuster, and under the compatablity tab, check "Run as Administrator". To help any other users, please denote any games that use PunkBuster with a "{PB}". {Source for Punkbuster Fix}
    * Battlefield 1942 (32 Bit) {PB}
    * Battlefield 2 (32 Bit) {PB}
    * Blazing Angels : Squadrons of WWII (32 Bit)
    * Call of Duty v1.5 (32 Bit) {PB} [NOTE: The sky is NOT getting updated correctly.]
    * Comanche 4 (32 Bit)
    * Command & Conquer Generals (32 Bit)
    * Counter-Strike v1.x (32 Bit) 这个CS不用解释了吧
    * Counter-Strike Source (32 Bit)
    * Crazy Taxi 3 (32 Bit)
    * Dark Age of Camelot (Darkness Rising client) v1.83 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Must be run in "Windows XP" compatibility mode.]
    * Dawn of War (32 Bit)
    * Dismount - Latest Versions of All Games (32 Bit)
    * DOOM 3 v1.3 (32 Bit)
    * Dungeons And Dragons Online (32 Bit) [NOTE: Needs Administrator rights for updates.]
    * Elder Scrolls IV, The: Oblivion v1.1 Beta Patch (32 Bit) [NOTE: Decreased frame rates!]
    * Eve-Online (32 Bit) [NOTE: See this Eve-Online Forums post.]
    * EverQuest 2 (32 Bit)
    * Final Fantasy XI (32 Bit) [NOTE: The autorun feature on the Vana'diel Collection DVD locks up, so you must manually launch the setup.]
    * GTA: San Andreas (32 Bit)
    * Half-Life (32 Bit) 半条命,hoho
    * Half-Life 2 (32 Bit)
    * Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Spanish (32 Bit)
    * Myst V: End Of Ages (32 Bit)
    * Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (32 Bit)
    * Painkiller (32 Bit)
    * Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (32 Bit) 波斯王子游戏
    * Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (32 Bit)
    * Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (32 Bit)
    * Pro Evolution Soccer 5 (32 Bit) 进化足球
    * Quake III: Arena (32 Bit) 这个,都认识
    * Quake 4 (32 Bit)
    * Red Alert 2 (32 Bit) 红警2
    * Return To Castle Wolfenstein (32 Bit) {PB} [NOTE: Single player works fine, but PB kicks because of "unknown windows API" all the time when playing on the server.] {EDITOR'S NOTE: Have you also tried enabling "Windows XP" compatability mode as well as admin rights?}
    * SimCity 4 Deluxe (32 Bit) 模拟城市4
    * Sims 2, The + its Expansion Packs (32 Bit) [NOTE: Some graphic settings unavailable.]
    * Starcraft (32 Bit) [NOTE: Single player works fine, but multiplayer reports problems with UDP ports.]
    * Steam Engine v1.48.0.0 - All Games (32 Bit) [NOTE: Steam insists that it runs as Administrator, there is no way of turning this off.]
    * Terminator 3: The War of the Machines (32 Bit)
    * Tomb Raider: Legend (32 Bit) [NOTE: Invisible geometry using antialiasing on NVIDIA GPU, ATI not tested.]
    * Tony Hawk's Pro Skater: American Wasteland (32 Bit)
    * Total Annihilation (32 Bit)
    * Unreal Tournament 2004 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Will not save your username for online gaming, so need to re-enter it every time.]
    * Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne v1.18 (32 Bit) 魔兽争霸3
    * Winning Eleven v8 (32 Bit)
    * World Of Warcraft v1.930+ (32 Bit) 魔兽世界 Wow,好像Windows Vista的广告语就是WoW,Vista之家团队貌似喜欢这个的多

    Graphics 图形图像处理软件

    * Abby FineReader v8 Professional (32 Bit)
    * Adobe InDesign CS2 (32 Bit)
    * Adobe Photoshop CS v8.0 (32 Bit)
    * Adobe Photoshop CS2 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Does NOT work for domain accounts.] 本文发布时,Photoshop CS3 for Vista应该出来了,汉化版应该也到处都是了。
    * Corel Draw v12 (32 Bit) 用这个的国内不少
    * Curious Labs Poser v5 (32 Bit)
    * IrfanView v3.98 (32 Bit)
    * Jasc Paint Shop Pro v9 (32 Bit) 相当于简化版的PS
    * Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 (32 Bit) 微软的自家的东西,水准不高
    * Microsoft Expressions "Acrylic" October CTP (32 Bit)

    Media 多媒体影音软件,音频视频播放软件,音频视频驱动

    * Albumplayer v4.0f (32 Bit)
    * CD Art Display RC4 (build 212) (32 Bit) [NOTE: Some features not working, fade in effect/winamp plugin.]
    * Creative Media Source v1.01.53 (32 Bit)
    * DivX v6.0 (32 Bit)
    * Gordian Knot Codec Pack v1-9 (32 Bit)
    * Intervideo WinDVD v7 Preview 3 (32 bit)
    * iTunes v4.9.17 (32 Bit)
    * iTunes v5.0.1 (32 Bit)
    * iTunes v6.0.4 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS) [NOTE: DCE is disabled while in use (i.e. turns off glass).]
    * iTunes v6.0.4.2 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Glass is not disabled, no problems.]
    * JetAudio Plus VX (32 Bit) [NOTE: Plays almost all types of audio and video without lag and without turning off DWM.]
    * Media Player Classic v6.4.8.4 (32 Bit)
    * MediaMonkey v2+ (32 Bit)
    * Mplayer (32 Bit)
    * Nero ShowTime (32 Bit)
    * nVidia nDVD Platinum v1.x (32 Bit) [NOTE: Includes PureVideo and nStantMedia.]
    * PowerDVD Deluxe v6.00.1102 (32 Bit)
    * PowerDVD Deluxe v7.00.1115 (32 Bit)
    * Premiere Pro v1.5 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Run Setup.exe in "Windows XP" compatibility mode.]
    * Quicktime v6 (32 Bit) [NOTE: DWM disabled while in use.]
    * Quicktime v7 Preview 2 (32 Bit)
    * Quicktime v7.0.3 (32 Bit)
    * Quicktime v7.0.4 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS) [NOTE: DCE is disabled while in use (i.e. turns off glass).]
    * Riva Encoder v2.0 (32 Bit)
    * Songbird (32 Bit) [NOTE: May freeze when adding files to the library at first, normal functionality thereafter.]
    * Steinberg MyMP3Pro v5 (32 Bit)
    * TVTool v9.6 (32 Bit)
    * Twonkyvision UPnP Music Server (32 Bit)
    * VLC Media Player - All Versions (32 Bit)
    * Winamp v5.094 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Graphical errors with modern skins.]
    * Winamp v5.1 (32 Bit)
    * Winamp v5.22 (32 Bit)
    * Winamp v5.23 (32 Bit)
    * Zoom Player v4.50 (32 Bit)
    Vista之家团队使用绿色版 KMplayer,韩国人的产品,直接使用,啥也不用装了,还没广告,舒服。

    Messaging 即时通讯

    * AIM v5.0.2829 (32 Bit) [NOTE: It will say that it's not compatible, but just click continue & will work fine.]
    实际上,美国在线已经刚刚发布了AIM 6.1,完美支持Windows Vista,下载:
    * AIM v5.5 (32 Bit) [NOTE: It will say that it's not compatible, but just click continue & will work fine.]
    * AIM v5.5.3595 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Works for the most part except for sound!]
    * AIM v5.5.3595 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS) [NOTE: Works for the most part except for sound!]
    * AMSN v0.94 (32 Bit)
    * Gadu-Gadu - All Versions (32 Bit)
    * Gaim v1.4.0 (32 Bit)
    * Gaim v1.5.0 (32 Bit)
    * Gaim v2.0.0 Beta (32 Bit)
    * HydraIRC (32 Bit)
    * ICQ v5.0 (32 Bit)
    * Miranda v0.4.0.1 (32 Bit) [NOTE: The popup plugin isn't available.]
    * mIRC v6.03 (32 Bit)
    * mIRC v6.16 (32 Bit)

    [GENERAL NOTE: For MSN Messenger v7.x, keep your taskbar visible to disable lag when typing.]

    * MSN Messenger v7.0.0816 (32 Bit)
    * MSN Messenger v7.5.0162 Beta (32 Bit)
    * MSN Messenger v7.5.0244 Beta (32 Bit)
    * MSN Messenger v7.5.0311 (32 Bit)
    * MSN Messenger v7.5.0324 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS)
    * MSN Messenger Add-On: Messenger Plus! v3.62.146 (32 Bit)
    * PSI v0.10-CVS-pedrito - 2005/03/13 (32 Bit)
    * Skype v2.0.0.63 Beta (32 Bit)
    * Techsmith Camtasia v2.0.5 (32 Bit)
    * Trillian Basic/Pro v3.1 (32 Bit) [NOTE: MSN connection may have problems and temporarily disables glass effects.]

    [GENERAL NOTE: For Windows Live Messenger v8 builds 365 - 566, keep your taskbar visible to disable lag when typing. However, the latest build available from Windows Live Ideas does not lag while typing.]

    * Windows Live Messenger v8.0.0365 Beta (32 Bit) [NOTE: Must extract the .MSI file using WinRAR and run it instead.]
    * Windows Live Messenger v8.0.0562 Beta (32 Bit) [NOTE: Must extract the .MSI file using WinRAR and run it instead.]
    * Windows Live Messenger v8.0.0566 Beta (32 Bit)
    * Windows Live Messenger v8.0.0689 Beta (32 Bit)
    * Yahoo Messenger Beta (32 Bit) [NOTE: May have black contact list, but works okay.]
    * Xfire Build 14099 (32 Bit)


    Office Tools 办公软件

    * Adobe (Acrobat) Reader v7.0 Spanish (32 Bit) PDF阅读器
    * Adobe (Acrobat) Reader v7.0.5 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Must install full standalone 7.0.5 for this to work.]
    * Adobe (Acrobat) Reader v7.0.7 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS) [NOTE: Must install full standalone 7.0.7 - Windows 2003 installer version. Update functinality won't work, and won't recognize UAP restricted accounts as "Administrator" accounts.]
    * Adobe (Acrobat) Reader v7.0.8 (32 Bit)
    * Adobe (Acrobat) Standard v6.0 (32 Bit)
    * Emedit (32 Bit) 编程爱好者喜欢,例如Vista之家团队都喜欢用这个,而不是UltraEdit,UE也是可以运行在Windows Vista下面的
    * Microsoft Office XP (32 Bit)
    * Microsoft Office 2003 (32 Bit)
    * Microsoft Office 2007 (a.k.a. Office "12") Beta 1 (32 Bit)
    * Microsoft Office 2007 (a.k.a. Office "12") Beta 2 (32 Bit) 现在Office2007已经有正式扳了,还beta干嘛啊。不过确实比以前的Office好用多了。
    * Microsoft OneNote 2003 (32 Bit)
    * Mozilla Thunderbird v1.0.6 (32 Bit)
    * OpenOffice.org 1.1.4 (32 Bit)
    * OpenOffice.org v2 Beta - 07/31/05 (32 Bit)
    * Promt v7 (32 Bit)
    * Quicken 2006 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Needs Administrator rights for updates. Run as admin for registration to enable online tools.]
    * TurboTax 2005 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Needs Administrator rights for updates.]
    * Visio 2003 (32 Bit)

    Web Browsers 网络浏览器软件

    * Avant Browser (32 Bit)
    * FireFox v1.0x (32 Bit)
    * Firefox v1.5 (32 Bit)
    * Firefox v1.5.0.1 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS) Firefox 应该是2.0了,这个数据偏老啊,但是偏老的都能用,更好
    * Opera v8.xx (32 Bit)
    * 'Opera 9 Beta 2 (32 Bit)
    这里应该提到国内的GreenBrowser,The World,还有myie的升级后的名称 Maxthon,都是可以直接使用的。

    Miscellaneous 杂项软件

    * 3DMark03 Build v3.6.0 (32 Bit) 显卡测试用的到
    * 3DMark05 Build v1.2.0 (32 Bit)
    * Babylon-Pro v5.0.6 (32 Bit) 翻译软件,当然国内的金山词霸也是支持Vista的
    * CleanCache v3.3 (32 Bit) 清除缓存的软件,没怎么用过
    * Directory Opus v8.x (32 Bit)
    * DriverCleaner Pro v1.2 Build 27 (32 Bit)
    * FlashGet v1.65 (32 Bit) 快车,现在是1.80以后的版本了,估计很快出2.0了
    * Google Earth Beta (32 Bit) [NOTE: A little bit slow.] 谷歌的地球软件,强悍的
    * JV16 PowerTools 2005 (32 Bit)
    * JV16 PowerTools 2006 RC2 (32 Bit)
    * Konfabulator v2.0.1 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Now called Yahoo Widget Engine.]
    * Konfabulator v2.1 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Now called Yahoo Widget Engine.]
    * Logitech G-Series Keyboard Profiler v1.02.218 (32 Bit) 罗技键盘鼠标软件也整理了,厉害
    * Logitech SetPoint v2.60.606 (32 Bit)
    * Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 5.3.582.27 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Temporarily disables glass effects.] 虚拟PC
    * Power4 Gear (32 Bit)
    * ProTools LE v6.4 Digi001 (32 Bit)
    * Quark Xpress v6.5 (32 Bit)
    * Reason v3.0 (32 Bit)
    * RegCleaner v4.3 (32 Bit) 注册表清理
    * Registry Mechanic v5.1 (32 Bit) 注册表管理
    * SpeedCommander 10.30.4236 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Gives some error messages on exit, but basically works.]
    * Stardock ObjectDock (32 Bit) [NOTE: Any theme for the background of the dock shows very little on the left side, and nothing else, and it doesn't stay on the dock as you move your mouse over it. Just make it fully transparent, floading icons.]
    * Symantec Norton PartitionMagic v8.0x (32 Bit) PM管理分区,肯定不如:Acronis Partition Expert下载,Vista分区超强软件
    * Symantec Norton System Works 2005 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Excluding NAV 2005.]
    * Symantec Norton System Works 2005 Premier (32 Bit) [NOTE: Excluding NAV 2005.]
    * TeamSpeak 2 Client v2.0.32.60 (32 Bit)
    * TeamSpeak 2 Server v2.0.21.3 (32 Bit)
    * Total Commander 6.53 (32 Bit)
    * Total Commander 6.54a (32 Bit)
    * TrueCrypt v3.1a (32 Bit)
    * Turbo Searcher v3 (32 Bit)
    * Ventrilo v2.3.0 (32 Bit)
    * VNC Viewer and Server (32 Bit)
    * WIDCOMM Bluetooth Software v5.0.1.2500



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